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Ludwig Oyster Black Pearl
custom ordered with Keller shells

Rogers Louie Bellson
Restored 60's kit

1940's Slingerland Radio King
Restored in vintage white marine pearl

Celtic Pride 5 piece kit
All maple shells, finished with walnut inside and outside

60's Rogers 4 piece kit
Refinished with bubinga inside and outside

60s Ludwig Beatles Kit
Re-wrap oyster black pearl

5 piece 80s Ludwig kit
Cherry veneer re-wrap mach lugs

7 piece Celtic Pride kit
Maple with bubinga veneer, brass hoops and DW gold hardware

7 piece 70s Gretsch kit
Aqua marine stain original Gretsch hardware

Cocktail kit
Maple with walnut veneer

60s Ludwig kit
Pink sparkle re-wrap

5 piece Celtic Pride kit
Maple with walnut veneer

7 piece Celtic Pride kit
Maple with cherry veneer original Gretsch hardware

80s Ludwig Buddy Rich kit
6-ply maple white marine pearl re-wrap

60s 4 piece Ludwig kit
Natural mahogany veneer
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